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A history of women in Astronomy - Part 2

Speaker: Mary McIntyre FRAS

Following on from part one, this talk tells the stories of some of the trailblazing women working in astronomy after Caroline Herschel. There were many more women working in astronomy during the Victorian era and into the 20th Century but they still faced many challenges, particularly around education, sexism and failure to have their work recognised.

About the Speaker:

Mary McIntyre is a keen astrophotographer and also teaches astronomy sketching and art. She and husband Mark run four GMN (Global Meteor Network) meteor cameras. She received a 2021 Sir Patrick Moore Prize from the BAA and is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. Mary is busy with talks, the SPA council, and as contributor to Sky at Night Magazine and the Yearbook of Astronomy. She is also a co-presenter of the Comet Watch radio show. 


IOP South Central supports Vectis Astronomical Society, IOP Members can attend the talk for free via zoom.

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