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The End of Everything

Speaker: Dr Steve Barrett CPhys FInstP

It took only 3 minutes to make our Universe. It will take more than a trillion, trillion years for it to come to an end. This talk looks at what will happen to the Earth, the Sun and the galaxy on timescales ranging from thousands of years to eternity. The IOP Manchester Christmas talk will be face-to-face. Refreshments are available prior to the talk and all are welcome. Parking is available to audience members adjacent to the building.

About the Speaker

Dr Steve Barrett is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool. His research interests have centred around the applications of imaging and spectroscopy to fields such as nanoscience, geomaterials, biomedical imaging and infrared spectroscopy. He has been on the committee of the IOP Merseyside Branch for most of the past 30 years. His interest in astronomy predates his professional career as a physicist. He has given hundreds of astronomy-related talks to astronomical societies, special interest groups and schools. As a result of giving these outreach talks he was awarded the Sir Patrick Moore Prize in 2019 by the British Astronomical Association.