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British Science Week Talk: 200 years of the RI Christmas Lectures!

Speaker: Michael Cutts, The Royal Institution of Great Britain

Celebrate 226 years of The Royal Institution bringing together the public and scientists via the use of engaging lectures and demonstrations. This unique talk will consider the history of the world-famous Christmas Lectures, given annually since 1825. Join us as we look back on those ground breaking ideas, extraordinary demos, and brilliant minds who have brought science to life. From candles to the cosmos, we’ll explore how the Lectures have inspired generations, making science thrilling, fun, entertaining and accessible for all ages.

Part of the IOP London and South East (LSE) region Physics Talk Series. A talk to coincide with British Science Week

Tea/coffee served from 18:00 - 18:30.

Lecture starts: 18:30 for approx. 1hr (with 15mins for questions).

The lecture is free and open to all but registration is required. Please register via the 'Book Now' button.