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Artificial Intelligence: are Scientists' Jobs Safe?

Speaker: Dr Jorge Quintanilla (University of Kent) 

Artificial Intelligence is on the rise, and it's making us all a little nervous. These days, computers can do everything from recognizing faces to writing poetry, marking essays, diagnosing patients, and even coding new software. No job seems immune to the march of the machines. But what about science? Is the creation of new knowledge something that machines can never truly replicate? In this talk, I'll take you on a tour of the different types of AI, using examples from the world of
physics to show how scientists are embracing these tools in their daily work. I'll also look ahead to the quantum era of AI and explore what all this might mean for the future of science and of human endeavour more generally.
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About the speaker

Jorge is a theorist whose interests lay at the fertile intersection of machine learning, quantum computing and condensed matter physics. He has have contributed to our understanding of unconventional superconductors, ultra-cold atomic gases, exotic magnets and strongly-correlated electron systems. Jorge is Reader in Condensed Matter Theory at the University of Kent in Canterbury and the founding leader of its Physics of Quantum Materials research group.
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