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3 Minute Wonder: West Midlands Branch Heat

"Educational, inspiring and entertaining all at once"

It’s back! The IOP’s national 3 Minute Wonder (3MW) science-communication competition returns.

3MW challenges researchers or project team members working on physics-related problems in academia, business or industry to explain their work in just three minutes; each participant pitching to a panel of established science communicators and an interested but non-specialist public audience.

For this Branch Heat there will a first prize of £100, second prize of £50 and an audience-voted prize of £25. The winner will also compete again in the 2024 Grand Final in the Faraday Lecture Theatre at the Royal Institution on 29 May 2024 against the victors from all the other IOP national and regional heats.

We encourage and welcome IOP members and the public to attend to support your local physicists and enjoy an evening of physics entertainment and wonder - there is even an audience selected winner! 

Whilst it isn't necessary to register for this event, it helps us with our arrangements and enables us to contact you should there be any changes to the activity.


3MW will take place in the Poynting Large Lecture Theatre on the 2nd floor of the Poynting Physics Building, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT. This is building R13 on the campus map here:

Doors to the Large Lecture Theatre will be open from 6.30pm. The competition starts at 7pm.

Car parking on campus is usually available and free after 6pm. There is a railway station on campus called ‘University’ – connections to Birmingham New Street and the cross city line are approx. every 10 minutes. Further travel info is here: