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2D Materials

Speaker: Dr Nilanthy Balakrishnan MInstP, Lecturer in Physics, Keele University

Dr Nilanthy Balakrishnan will describe the wonderful properties of novel two-dimensional (2D) materials and how these materials are shaping the future of our 3D world. She will describe how she became attracted to these materials and her subsequent research journey.

Tea and coffee will be available from 6 pm in the Lennard-Jones foyer. Talks start at 7 pm and are followed by Q&A.

This talk will be accompanied by a British Sign Language interpreter.

Whilst it isn’t necessary to register for this event, it will help with our rooming and refreshment arrangements if you do.

About the Speaker

Nilanthy obtained her BSc Hons degree in Physics from University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka in 2010, and MSc by Research and PhD in Condensed Matter Physics from University of Nottingham in 2012 and 2015, respectively. Following her PhD, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher for 3 years at University of Nottingham and 18 months at University of Manchester and was appointed as a Lecturer in Physics at Keele University in October 2019.