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Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) courses

SKE courses could be ideal for you if:

  • you have some physics knowledge, generally physics A-level or work experience, but need to get to a sufficient level of knowledge and confidence in physics before starting your initial teacher training (ITT)
  • are changing career to a physics teacher and have a degree in a different background such as engineering


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The courses include lectures, practical work, tutorials and self-study and cover the topics you would be teaching at secondary level.



  • SKE courses vary from an eight-week refresher course to 28 weeks.
  • They're offered full-time or part-time and can be delivered face to face or online.

Next steps

If you think you need to do an SKE course, you first need to apply for an ITT course.

If your chosen initial teacher education provider considers that you have the attributes to make a good teacher, they may offer you a conditional place and refer you to do a SKE course first.

This could take place at the same institution or a neighbouring one. If you recognise that you need to attend an SKE course, ensure you flag this in your ITE application.

Further information

Visit the Department for Education’s get into teaching website for more information and a directory of SKE courses.

IOP events

The IOP hosts a programme of events for the physics community across the UK and Ireland