Biological physics resources - easy access
In 2013, a valuable collection of resources was developed and published by IOP to assist in the undergraduate teaching of physics at its interfaces with biology.
These include lectures, problems and solutions in six areas of this exciting and growing field of study. The biological physics resources can be downloaded (ZIP, 58MB) and viewed using an internet browser, such as Chrome.
Since the content is not optimised for mobile browsing, a laptop or desktop is preferable. If you have any problems please email [email protected].
To open and browse the content
1. Using the arrow icon, download and then save the zip file to a suitable location on your computer.
2. Unzip the file as shown, extracting the files to the location suggested.
3. This creates two new folders: “biologicalphysics.org 3” and “_MACOSX”. Navigate into _MACOSX if your computer is a Mac, otherwise navigate to biologicalphysics.org 3.
4. Right click on index.html and open with an internet browser.
5. Explore the content as you would a website.
Please note that, unfortunately, three short videos are missing. These are the introduction video and the two interview videos underneath the multimedia heading.