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Support for non-physics teachers who teach physics

Whatever your specialism, most science teachers will work across the science curriculum during their career. If you haven't studied physics for some years or feel less strong mathematically, being asked to teach physics can feel particularly daunting.

We're here to help during this challenging time.

Book a CPD event

From day meetings to twilight workshops (and everything in between), we have a wide variety of coaching and CPD sessions available to support your continuous development as a teaching professional.

Book a CPD session today

Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST)

The TSST programme has ended. Find out about its successor and access our array of classroom resources.

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Subject Knowledge for Physics Teaching (SKPT)

The Ogden Trust is now delivering Subject Knowledge for Physics Teaching (SKPT) courses – blended learning CPD for KS3 and KS4 teachers without a physics specialism.

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