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Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST)

The TSST programme has ended. This page has information about its successor and offers legacy classroom resources.

The Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST) programme ended on 31 March 2021.

The successor programme, funded by the Department for Education (DfE), is Subject Knowledge for Physics Teachers (SKPT). Delivery of the SKPT pilot began in September 2021 and continued until March 2022.

SKPT courses are now provided by The Ogden Trust and are designed for teachers in state schools in England who are not specialist physics teachers but who are timetabled to teach physics. For more information, consult The Ogden Trust website.

Classroom resources

The following resources were developed for a Science Additional Specialism: Physics 30-day course and were made freely available to TSST providers. Each of these PowerPoint files represents roughly one day’s programme of the TSST course and allowed these providers to access and customise content developed by the IOP. These materials remain available to schools.

As an educational establishment you can use these classroom materials free of charge. These materials may not be reproduced for profit by any other organisation.


Atoms and nuclei





Vibration and waves

Further information

Email [email protected].