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CPD for teachers

As a teacher, you can keep your skills and knowledge up-to-date with our CPD events.

Here, you'll also find information on how we can support you if you're a CPD provider.

What we offer

We run:

  • workshops
  • day meetings
  • other CPD events
  • Subject Knowledge for Physics Teaching (SKPT) is an intensive, free course for those teaching physics out of the field in English state schools run by the Ogden Trust.

How to book

  • Visit our events page on IOPSpark to see what's available remotely and near you.
  • You can sign up to our community of physics teaching to keep in touch about events and resources near you.

Further information

If you’d like to speak to us or require more details regarding one of our events or CPD, please email [email protected].

Do you lead professional learning for teachers of physics?

The IOP will be rolling out the Physics Teacher Educator Programme in 2025. We will be building on the success of the pilot and external evaluation findings by Sheffield Hallam University. Most importantly, we have learned so much from discussion with the teacher educators who took part and thank all of them for their considered reflections and contributions.

If you have a role supporting other teachers and you want to:

  • Gain recognition for your expertise as a Physics Teacher Educator
  • Help to improve the programme and all our practice
  • Build our community
  • Improve the quality of physics teaching and EDI for all physics learners

Email [email protected] with EOI – PTE 2025 as the subject.

Join our community of physics teaching and register as a teacher educator so that you can receive updates on community events and online professional learning sessions for supporting physics teaching including physics education research.

The IOP’s framework for teacher educators and subject knowledge framework for teaching physics were rigorously testing in the pilot and are both extremely useful for identifying areas for development and shaping discussions around teacher professional learning.

were rigorously testing in the pilot and are both extremely useful for identifying areas for development and shaping discussions around teacher professional learning.