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Support for early career teachers

Your early years as a physics teacher can be a steep learning curve. We have a range of resources specifically to help meet the challenges you'll face at this stage of your career.

Also take a look at our wide range of resources on our teacher page.

Student teachers – keep in touch with the IOP

Whether you’re a physics specialist or not, as a science trainee, you’re likely to find yourself teaching physics at some point in your career. The IOP has resources and training sessions that can enable you to develop your physics teaching skills. Sign up to keep in touch.

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Lesson observation tips

However confident you are as a teacher, being observed can be daunting. Here are some suggestions for helping the process go as smoothly as possible.

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Managing the marking mountain

Marking is a major pressure on teachers’ time and may feel like it's consuming too much of your non-contact time, both in and outside school. 

We've put together some helpful tips from the physics teaching community on how to balance marking against the many other demands on your time.

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Teaching A-level physics

There are real and valid reasons why teachers shy away from teaching A-level physics. But for many physics teachers, A-level classes are the highlight of their week. Find out how to increase your confidence in teaching physics at this level.

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