Limit Less resources for educators
These resources are for educators and schools to champion inclusive teaching and remove barriers that exist for too many young people in education.
You can also learn about our growing number of Limit Less partnerships and back the manifesto for change.
Video: Challenging Stereotypes
In a society where by age seven most children’s idea of what they’ll do is already influenced by their social background, ethnicity, and gender, where only about 22% of boys study literature and 23% of girls study physics, aren’t we all being nudged in certain directions according to our backgrounds?
The lessons and activities on IOP Spark are intended for use alongside the Challenging Stereotypes animation, aiming to explore unconscious bias, the difference between sex and gender, gender misconceptions, gender conformity and gender roles.
NOTE: these resources were created as part of a previous project and therefore some external links might be out of date. We are currently updating this information.