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Limit Less Careers Week

We believe there are no limits to what can be achieved with physics, or who should do it. 

Limit Less is the campaign from the Institute of Physics (IOP) to support young people to change the world and fulfil their potential by doing physics.

By giving young people access to relatable physics role models, working in exciting, relevant careers, we can demonstrate that doing physics after the age of 16 opens up an incredibly broad range of career options, encouraging young people to choose physics when the time comes.

The IOP celebrated National Careers Week in 2023 with an inclusive programme designed for teachers across the UK and Ireland.

You can view details of the programme below and explore all of our Limit Less careers resources in one place.

Limit Less Careers Pack

This suite of resources is designed specifically to support teachers in the UK and Ireland to bring physics careers into their classrooms during National Careers Week and beyond! The digital pack contains profiles of role models, lesson plans and more. 

Our Limit Less Careers Pack contains:

A printable booklet aimed at 12-15-year-olds and their families

This booklet provides young people and their families with correct information about physics and the opportunities that doing physics post-16 can open up for their futures.

Teachers can use the booklet to challenge misconceptions about physics and show students that if they’re interested in the way the world works, and want to make a difference, then doing physics is right for them.

A Limit Less careers lesson PowerPoint presentation and lesson plan notes

This off-the-shelf interactive session allows students to explore the information and careers profiles in our careers booklet.

A short guide to help teachers talk about physics

This ‘how to’ guide will support you in bringing physics careers and the ethos of the Limit Less campaign into your lessons. It contains all key messages, information about jobs, and pointers to further resources that you need to help raise the confidence of your students.

Text in image reads change the world jobs that make a difference

Limit Less careers resources

As part of our Limit Less campaign, we’ve created a suite of downloadable resources to help teachers, IOP members and volunteers inspire more young people to change the world and fulfil their potential by doing physics.

Explore the resources

If you have any questions or would like any more detail about the information on this page, please email us at [email protected].