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Limit Less careers resources

We’ve created these downloadable resources to help teachers, IOP members and volunteers inspire more young people to change the world and fulfil their potential by doing physics.

Limit Less careers booklets

The Limit Less careers booklets are aimed at 12-15-year-olds and their families. Filled with fascinating interviews and practical advice, they can help young people to understand the huge range of opportunities that studying physics beyond the age of 16 can open up.

Text in image reads change the world jobs that make a difference

Limit Less careers booklet: UK and Ireland edition

Download the PDF

Limit Less careers booklet: Ireland edition

Download the PDF

Limit Less careers booklet: Welsh language edition

Newid y byd: Swyddi sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth

Download the PDF

Guidance for IOP members and volunteers

We want to make it easy for IOP members and volunteers to deliver inspiring, effective careers events for young people. To accompany our careers booklets, we've created detailed guidance notes which provide context and explain how best to use them, alongside a Powerpoint for a Limit Less careers talk.  

School careers activities: guidance for IOP members and volunteers

Download the PDF

Careers talk for IOP members and volunteers

Download the Powerpoint

Coming soon: Inclusive careers guidance tips for volunteers.

Guidance and additional resources for teachers

Our Limit Less careers booklets are designed to help you inspire your students and challenge their preconceptions about physics. The accompanying guidance notes and lesson plan explain how to bring the booklet and the Limit Less campaign messages into the classroom.

Limit Less lesson plan: English language edition

Download the Powerpoint

Limit Less lesson plan: Welsh language edition

Newid y byd: Swyddi sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth

Download the Powerpoint in Welsh

How to use the Limit Less careers booklet and lesson plan: English language edition

Download the PDF

How to use the Limit Less careers booklet and lesson plan: Welsh language edition

Yr ymgyrch Torrwch y Ffiniau i athrawon

Download the PDF

Inclusive teaching: A suite of resources on IOP Spark

Download on IOP Spark

Coming soon: An Ireland-specific edition of the lesson plan will be available to download here soon.