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Our publications highlight exciting new areas of research in physics and its potential impact. They show how physics is integral to science and society. 


Our publications help to influence physics-related policy and promote interest and participation in physics.


The fundamentals of 11 to 19 physics

A framework based on the big ideas and practices of physics.

Find out more and download the framework

Physics for our future: IOP strategy 2024-2029

We believe physics can make a better world for us all. This strategy is the IOP’s vision for change, setting out the action we must take to ensure physics can achieve this potential.

Find out more and download the strategy

Solving Skills One Year On: Partnerships powering apprenticeships

Our latest report spotlights nine case studies of organisations playing a significant role in increasing awareness of apprenticeship opportunities.

Read more and download the report


Report on the IOP quantum celebration event

This report captures the key themes from a celebratory dinner and roundtable discussion following the launch of the UK government’s quantum strategy.

Find out more and download the report

UK Semiconductor Challenges and Solutions report

This joint IOP-Royal Academy of Engineering report highlights issues in the UK semiconductor sector and makes suggestions for progress.

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Solving skills: Powering growth through physics-related apprenticeships

A report looking at the challenges and opportunities for physics-related apprenticeships in the UK and Ireland.

Find out more and download the report


Physics: investing in our future

The IOP is developing a series of R&D blueprints to ensure the UK and Ireland secure leading roles in developing key scientific technologies, and through this harvest the substantial societal and economic benefits such leadership offers.

View the initial findings of the UK blueprint

A Vision for Quantum technologies: IOP report

An IOP report that presents the vision of the physics community for the UK quantum sector. Here we outline our key recommendations for the government.

Read more and download the report

Major National Science and Technology Facilities in the UK – report

Review, authored by Frazer-Nash Consultancy, highlights the depth and breadth of research these facilities support, the unique capability that they offer and the value they provide. 

Find out more and download the report

Foreign direct investment into UK physics industries

Such investment is a key funding type for companies working in physics-intensive sectors, with an increasing amount of funding coming from abroad. It provides a broad range of benefits to these industries, including job creation, increased working capital, and projects with high capital costs.

Read the analysis conducted by Beauhurst (PDF, 102KB)

Physics and the Economy – 2022 findings

Our new project – including up-to-date summaries and full reports – shows that physics is a highly productive sector and a pillar of the UK and Irish economies.

Find out more and download the reports

Workforce Skills Project

The IOP provides new insight on the use of physics skills in the UK and Irish economies, including how this varies across occupations, industries and regions, and whether employers’ needs for physics skills are being met.

Find out more and download the reports


Innovation survey: the findings

To discover more about companies that use physics innovation in their work, the IOP commissioned CBI Economics to undertake a survey of physics-based businesses.

Find out more and download the reports

The importance of equality, diversity and inclusion in physics

Our guide is available in English and Welsh, including in accessible format.

Download the guide

Profiling firms in high, medium and low physics-intensity sectors: innovation, growth productivity and skills use

A report compiled by the Enterprise Research Centre and commissioned by IOP as part of the Innovation Survey project, which looks at innovation in physics-based businesses.

Download the report (PDF, 2.43MB)

Code of Conduct Workshop Report

Recommendations from participants in our workshop hosted with European member societies and aimed at delivering codes of conduct for the safety of conference and event attendees across Europe.

Download the report (PDF, 276KB)


Image text reads support young people to change the world

Limit Less: support young people to change the world

The IOP commissioned Censuswide to conduct two surveys and a series of focus groups to inform our Limit Less campaign. We also asked our members and subscribers to our Qubit newsletter to provide their own stories of lived experience related to the stereotypes and barriers that our campaign aims to dismantle.

Download the report (PDF, 2.83MB)

The Case for Subject-Specific CPD

In January 2020, Professor Robert Coe produced a paper to inform discussion at the Subjects Matter conference hosted by the IOP. The paper outlines some of the challenges faced by teachers and makes the case for subject-specific continuing professional development.

Find out more and download the report

Subjects Matter

IOP report recommends a national system of subject-specific CPD for all teachers to help increase the quality of teaching in our schools, improve educational outcomes for all students, and boost economic growth and prosperity across the UK.

Find out more and read the report

Unlocking the Future - IOP strategy 2020-2024

Our strategy to transform the physics landscape for the UK and Ireland, and ensure a thriving physics ecosystem that will contribute to innovation, discovery, research, growth and debate in the UK, Ireland and beyond.

Download the strategy (PDF, 141KB)


Pocket Physics: A study guide for 16- to 18-year-olds

A quick reference guide suitable for those studying for A-level, International Baccalaureate, Higher or Advanced Higher physics. Written by the Institute of Physics and the National Physical Laboratory, it covers a variety of topics from electricity to nuclear physics.

Download (PDF, 2.1MB)

Technicians: Providing frontline and vital support for student mental health and wellbeing

This report outlines the extent to which technicians are pastorally supporting students and offers a number of recommendations to the higher education and research sector, individual employers and to technicians themselves, in order to ensure that all involved are fully supported.

Download the report (PDF, 836 KB)

Exploring the workplace for LGBT+ physical scientists

A report by the Institute of Physics, Royal Astronomical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry.

Read the introduction and download the report

Shift Learning science timetable models research

Shift Learning were commissioned by the learned societies to conduct research to understand the variety of timetable models used by schools to teach the sciences at KS4.

Read the report (PDF, 1.9MB)

Funding of research in UK physics departments

Investment in science is an essential ingredient for economic growth in the UK. This briefing outlines where UK university physics departments’ research income came from in the 2016/17 academic year.

Read the full briefing (PDF, 69KB)


Staff and students in UK physics departments

The strength of UK physics and the benefits that it brings to the nation are built on the skills of the people who work in it. This briefing outlines a set of statistics on staff and students in physics departments in UK universities in the 2016–2017 academic year.

Read the full briefing (PDF, 75KB)

Why not physics? A snapshot of girls’ uptake at A-level

Using data for students in England from the National Pupil Database, this report considers the influences of school type, science route at GCSE and GCSE performance on girls' uptake of physics A-level.

Download the report (PDF, 4.38MB)

Improving Gender Balance key findings

A summary of the evaluation of the IGB pilot in Scotland.

Download the report (PDF, 246KB)

The health of photonics: How light-based technologies are solving industry challenges, and how they can be harnessed to impact future economic growth

Read the introduction and download the report


Improving Gender Balance: Reflections on the impact of interventions in schools

Findings from the Improving Gender Balance and Drayson pilot projects, and recommendations for good practice.

Read the introduction and download the report

Improving Gender Balance - Results and recommendations from the IOP's work in schools

A summary of the Improving Gender Balance and Drayson pilot projects.

Download the report (PDF, 524KB)

Building momentum towards inclusive teaching and learning

This good practice guide in undergraduate physics undertaken in 2017 was to identify good practice in teaching and learning already adopted by physics departments and share this with others in the sector.

Download the guide (PDF, 1MB)

The role of physics in supporting economic growth and national productivity

Read the introduction and download the report

The role of physics in supporting economic growth and national productivity in Ireland

Read the introduction and download the report

The role of physics in supporting economic growth and national productivity in Northern Ireland

Read the introduction and download the report

The role of physics in supporting economic growth and national productivity in Scotland

Read the introduction and download the report

The role of physics in supporting economic growth and national productivity in Wales

Read the introduction and download the report

Supporting Students in STEM with Colour Vision Deficiency

This is a guide on good practice in supporting STEM students who have colour vision deficiency (CVD) or, as it is commonly known, colour blindness. The aim is to provide you with knowledge and understanding of adjustments and support for STEM students with CVD.

Download report (PDF, 2.2MB)


The Health of Physics in UK Food Manufacturing

Read the introduction and download the report

What does a physicist look like? Who do you think of when you think "physicist"?

Read the introduction and download the report

Next Steps for Hydrogen: Physics, technology and the future

Read the introduction and download the report


Gazing at the future

The experiences of male and female physics and astronomy doctoral students in the UK.

Download the briefing report (PDF, 85KB)

Download the report (PDF, 283KB)

School Sixth Forms With No entries for A-level Physics

Read the introduction and download the report

Finances of Chemistry and Physics Departments in UK Universities: Third Review

Read the introduction and download the report

Opening Doors: A guide to good practice in countering gender stereotyping in schools

Case studies and key recommendations of how schools can explore equality issues across the whole school.

Read the introduction and download the report

Inspirational physics for a modern economy

Read the introduction and download the report

A Review of UK Astroparticle Physics Research

Read the introduction and download the report


Raising Aspirations in Physics

This report reviews research into barriers to STEM participation for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and provides five recommendations to improve educational attainment. 

Download the report (PDF, 598KB)


Academic physics staff in UK higher education institutions

An updated version of the overview of academic and research staff in UK higher education institutions in the physics cost centre and a number of other selected cost centres published in 2012, and prepared by Oxford Research & Policy.

Download the report (PDF, 1MB)

Closing Doors: Exploring gender and subject choice in schools

An exploration of national data on progression to A-level in selected subjects, including physics. The report draws attention to the gender imbalances that exist on A-level courses.

Read the report (PDF, 1.27MB)


Physics Students in UK Higher Education Institutions

An overview of the students on first-degree, masters and doctoral programmes in physics and a number of selected other subjects in UK higher education institutions.

Download the report (PDF, 840KB)

It's Different for Girls: The influence of schools

Using data from the National Pupil Database, this report explores how girls' uptake of A-level physics varies by schools type.

Download the report (PDF, 1.53MB)


Mind the Gap - mathematics and the transition from A-levels to physics and engineering degrees

The Institute of Physics commissioned EdComs to investigate anecdotal evidence that physics and mathematics A-levels are not sufficiently preparing students for or encouraging them to do undergraduate physics and engineering courses.

Download the report (PDF, 1.44MB)


Why choose physics and chemistry? The influences on physics and chemistry subject choices of BME students

A joint report by the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) on the factors underlying the subject choices of ethnic-minority students.

Download the report (PDF, 519KB)

Access for all: A Guide to Disability Good Practice for University Physics Departments

Download the guide (PDF, 1.9MB)


Women in University Physics Departments: A Site Visit Scheme 2003–2005

This report highlights key findings from a site visit scheme, in which an external panel visited physics departments in the UK and Ireland and provided confidential reports on their "gender inclusiveness".

Download the report

Representation of ethnic groups in chemistry and physics

This study presents a statistical picture of the progress of England- and Wales-domiciled students from different ethnic groups through the  various stages of the educational system into undergraduate chemistry and physics courses.

Download the report (PDF, 1.2MB)

Girls in the Physics Classroom: A review of the research on girls' participation in physics

A summary of the existing research on girls' participation in physics, highlighting common threads and suggesting effective strategies.

Download the report (PDF, 665KB)

Support young people to change the world

Limit Less is our campaign to support young people to change the world and fulfil their potential by doing physics