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‘Science superpower’ vision must be backed by funding – IOP

18 March 2021

The IOP responds to the recent publication of the integrated review of UK security, defence, development and foreign policy over the next 10 years.

The goals set out in a far-reaching government report on improving everything from quantum computing to artificial intelligence will be reached only with the right financial backing, according to the IOP.

Commenting on the publication of Global Britain in a Competitive Age, Rachel Youngman, deputy chief executive of the IOP, said: “The IOP welcomes the government’s aim for the UK to be recognised as a science and tech superpower by 2030, but this ambition can only be realised with the appropriate funding.

“Financial investment should be made in the context of the UK’s commitment to collaboration on climate and energy with partners in other continents and will enable physics research and application to play its part in future-proofing the health of our planet and communities.”

In a world where people share personal and financial data online, fraud prevention has become increasingly important.

A key goal in the report is to cement the UK's position as a cyber power