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IOP comments on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report

9 August 2021

IOP CEO Professor Paul Hardaker comments on the publication of the IPCC’s sixth assessment report.

Professor Paul Hardaker, Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Physics (IOP), commenting on the publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) report, said: “The publication of this sixth assessment report today is a reminder not only of our latest understanding of the scientific evidence, but also of the huge amount of work that thousands of scientists put in to help us all understand that our climate is changing, what is causing that change, and what we can do to mitigate the impacts.

“And there is a clear message for all of us. Unequivocally we are the main drivers of our changing climate and unless we take more collective action, with some urgency, the impacts on all of us will significantly worsen.

“Our community of physicists continues to play a crucial role in developing our understanding of the climate system and in finding sustainable solutions to addressing global warming. This autumn the IOP itself will set out its own plans on how we will play our part in reducing emissions with our own pathway to net-zero carbon.

“There has never been stronger evidence that we need to act now and together, so let’s hope that our political leaders in Glasgow in November can make that a reality.”