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Committee recommends Ireland join CERN

13 November 2019

Dr Yvonne Kavanagh, Chair of the Institute of Physics Ireland (IOPI) and Assistant Registrar Institute of Technology Carlow, comments on the Joint Committee on Business, Enterprise and Innovation’s recommendation that Ireland becomes an associate member of CERN.

“CERN is far more than a particle physics laboratory. It is a melting pot for ideas, technology, innovation and scientific collaboration and has already contributed so much to society by being the birthplace of the internet.

“Membership of CERN is a tremendous opportunity for Ireland’s physicists, scientists and industry to be part of a hugely important research community, but it will also benefit greatly the citizens of Ireland. It’s great news that the committee has had the vision to endorse Ireland’s membership of this hugely important, worldwide collaboration and we hope that the Irish government will act on its recommendations.

“The IOPI has long campaigned for Ireland to join CERN and was part of the consultation. Many scientists in Ireland and elsewhere have worked tirelessly towards this outcome and I’d like particularly to acknowledge the contribution of Professor Ronan McNulty for his tenacious leadership of the Ireland for CERN campaign.”