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Education and outreach

Call for views from the physics community on the vision for higher education on the island of Ireland

11 February 2021

The IOP is seeking the views of the physics community to help inform a consultation on the future direction of higher education on the island of Ireland.

The Royal Irish Academy Higher Education Futures Taskforce has issued a Call for Input to help identify how the higher education system across Ireland and Northern Ireland should evolve to meet changing societal needs and challenges, regionally, nationally and internationally.

The IOP, as the professional body and learned society for physics in the UK and Ireland, will respond to this call and welcomes the views of the wider physics community to inform our response.

This survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone in the physics community who took part in the IOP call for views. We will be reviewing all your responses to help inform the IOP's contribution to the consultation on the future of higher education on the island of Ireland.