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Diversity and inclusion

The IOP is working to improve inclusivity for physicists across Europe

A workshop to help develop a new code of conduct to improve conference delegates’ safety was just the first step. Download our report of the event.

In May 2021 the IOP hosted a workshop with European member societies, funded by the European Physical Society (EPS), on creating and developing a code of conduct. The workshop was attended by 23 delegates from across 19 countries.

The scope of the workshop was for EPS member societies to begin to develop an action plan to create and implement a code of conduct that ensures the safe participation of all meeting, conference and event attendees. Our longer-term aim is to work towards an inclusive and equitable culture in STEM across Europe, where all physicists can access and participate in physics, with their safety and protections ensured.

As an overview, the case for professional conduct was made by UK Research and Innovation, using the evidence base and findings through their research. Examples of codes of conduct in use followed from IOP, EPS and the EPS Equal Opportunities Committee, sharing learnings from the creation and revisions that have been made and they included lessons learned.

The afternoon included a panel discussion, prompting debate over issues raised, exploring some challenges in greater detail, especially looking at the role of positive action vs positive discrimination. CERN presented the later session, sharing their experience of developing a harassment investigating framework, and provided practical tips and advice for the creation of one.

Delegates then divided into two streams, one focusing on the creation of a code of conduct, the other focusing on utilising and strengthening. Delegates then returned to the main room, where feedback and final reflections were shared.

A follow-up meeting to discuss progress, share experiences and address challenges as an international community is proposed at the 2022 EPS Council meeting.

Code of Conduct Workshop Report

Find out more about the content of the workshop and the recommendations for organisations and societies.

Download the report (PDF, 276KB)