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International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Commissions contacts

The IUPAP commissions promote the objectives of the Union within their areas of expertise and provide advice to IUPAP on the activities and needs of the subfields of physics they represent.

There are 18 IUPAP commissions and the UK and Ireland have physicists represented on 17 of them.

This page contains the contact information for the current UK and Irish IUPAP commission representatives. If you would like to contact the relevant commission representatives, please use the information in the table below.

Find out more about the history of IUPAP.

Representative contact information

Commission nameRepresentativeEmail
C2: Symbols, Units, Nomenclature, Atomic Masses and Fundamental ConstantsDr Richard Brown, Secretary[email protected]
C3: Statistical PhysicsErika Eiser, Ordinary memberTBC
C4: Astro-particle PhysicsProfessor Subir Sarkar, Ordinary member[email protected]
C5: Low Temperature PhysicsProfessor Richard Haley, Chair[email protected]
C6: Biological PhysicsProfessor Pietro Cicuta, Ordinary member[email protected]
C8: SemiconductorsProfessor David Richie, Ordinary member[email protected]
C9: MagnetismDr Liam O’Brien, Ordinary member[email protected]
C10: Structure and Dynamics of Condensed MatterDr Alexandra Gibbs, Ordinary member[email protected]
C11: Particles and FieldsProfessor Franz Muheim, Ordinary member[email protected]
C12: Nuclear PhysicsLiam Gaffney, Ordinary member[email protected]
C13: Physics for DevelopmentDr James Uhomoibhi, Ordinary member[email protected]
C14: Physics EducationNicolas Labrosse, Ordinary member[email protected]
C15: Atomic, Molecular and Optical PhysicsDr Andrew Brown, Ordinary member[email protected]
C16: Plasma PhysicsYasmin Andrew, Ordinary member[email protected]
C18: Mathematical PhysicsDaniel Ueltschi, Ordinary member[email protected]
C19: AstrophysicsDr Antonio Martin-Carrillo, Ordinary member[email protected]
C20: Computational PhysicsAaron Golden, Ordinary memberaaron.golden@universityofgalway