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Call for self-nominations to stand for election to the IOP Council of Trustees in 2024

Help shape the future of the body that shapes physics.

Would you like to help shape the future of the IOP – the body that shapes physics?

Self-nominations are now open for IOP members to be considered as candidates for election to our Council of Trustees. The election will take place later this year. We are keen to hear from IOP members from every part of the physics community and this is a great chance to have your say on Council and help influence the future of physics.

Please watch this personal request from Professor Sir Keith Burnett, President of the IOP, about what it means to be a trustee and about why you may want to nominate yourself for election.


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We are committed to a Council which has diversity of membership and approach, and to creating an environment that brings challenge in a supportive and inclusive way.

Becoming a trustee and member of Council carries significant responsibility but is immensely rewarding. It is a fabulous opportunity to contribute to the development of physics and, more widely, STEM, particularly in the UK and Ireland, and the role that the IOP plays in that.

For early career physicists, it is a great opportunity to develop Board-level experience. For more experienced members, becoming a trustee and member of Council provides an excellent opportunity to use the skills and experience gained throughout your career to make a valuable contribution to the governance and strategy of the IOP.


We have vacancies for the following trustee roles on our Council:

  • Vice-President for Business 
  • Vice-President for Learning and Skills 
  • One General Trustee.

Details of each of these roles, and of the skills and expertise we are looking for, are available on our dedicated nominations website.

All appointments will commence on 1 October 2024 and are for a four-year term.

How to self-nominate

We are no longer accepting nominations.

The roles are only open to IOP members.

To nominate yourself, please follow the instructions sent to all members from Mi-Voice on our behalf by email or letter or visit the dedicated nominations website. This will enable you to complete and submit a self-nomination form and confirm your eligibility.