General Trustee: Dr Melissa Uchida MInstP
Term of office: October 2022-September 2026
Melissa is an Associate Professor in High Energy Physics at the University of Cambridge, where she leads the neutrino physics research group. She is Chair of the Institute of Physics High Energy Particle Physics and Particle Accelerators and Beams groups.
She sits on various oversight and management boards including the Science and Technology Facilities Council Projects Peer Review Panel, the Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC) advisory board and the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment Target (DUNE) Oversight Committee.
Her overall research is focused towards understanding the matter anti-matter asymmetry of the Universe. In particular, her current goals are to characterise neutrino oscillations and anomalies, working with the DUNE and MicroBooNE experiments, as well the research and development of a muon collider – a next-generation collider with unprecedented physics reach – and measuring mid-frequency range gravitational waves with the Atom Interferometer Observatory and Network.
Melissa received her PhD from Queen Mary University of London, working on the T2K neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan. She then became a postdoctoral fellow at Sussex university, involved with the cryogenic neutron electric dipole moment experiment at Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, before joining Imperial College London to work on the International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment and the high-pressure gas time projection chamber.
She and her colleagues won the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics 2016 for their role in neutrino oscillation research.