General Trustee: Dr Jane Clark CSci CEng CPhys FInstP FRAS
Term of office: October 2023-September 2027
Following her undergraduate degree where she published on lattice-vibration theory, Jane obtained her PhD in condensed-matter theory at the University of Warwick. This was followed by a postdoc in polymer phase transitions at Case Western Reserve University in the US.
Following a period with Smith & Nephew Research, a medical device laboratory, Jane joined Alcan’s Banbury laboratory where she was a mathematical modeller and a key member of the team that developed the world’s first method of calculating the strength of an adhesive bond of arbitrary geometry.
At London International Group, Jane achieved multimillion-pound cost savings by identifying and helping to prevent a critical phenomenon in a manufacturing process. She then joined Bespak, where she installed and staffed an engineering science laboratory.
Having founded and run a mathematical modelling consultancy, Jane joined defence contractor Babcock International, mostly certifying submarine equipment, but also founding an activity to model cargo loading and unloading from ships.
Jane is now retired and a keen amateur astronomer. She has published three books on the solar system and is writing another on galaxy imaging.
Jane has previously chaired the former Institute of Physics (IOP) Stress & Vibration Group, the East Anglia Branch and the former Engineering Physics Division of the IOP. She is a member of the IOP Wales Committee and spends one day a week learning Welsh.