Diversity and inclusion
IOP-sponsored conference to spread the word about whole-school equity
12 July 2023
The Limit Less campaign has teamed up with Governors for Schools to promote inclusion and dismantle the barriers preventing many young students following their chosen paths. Join the conference to find out more about the role governors can play.
By Beth Bramley, Strategic Lead for Inclusion (Learning & Skills)
The Limit Less campaign is sponsoring this year’s Governors for Schools Conference in September, booking for which has recently opened, and we are really looking forward to working more closely together.
The free two-day conference is for everyone interested in school governance and we are keen to talk about the role governors can play in whole-school approaches to equity and inclusion, which involve an entire school community working together to dismantle the barriers students face and ensure equal opportunity for all.
This planning ensures fairness and accessibility and means decisions can be tested, and discriminatory language and behaviour challenged – and ultimately helps young people feel safe and respected.
Governors for Schools is a charity whose goal is to make sure all schools can benefit from a robust and diverse board and via the conference they provide committed volunteers with a content-rich event that will inform their practice and improve their knowledge around key issues affecting the education sector.
“The conference will offer insights from a range of experts, covering pressing topics such as good governance in 2023, whole-school approaches to inclusion, STEM education, effective challenge as a governor, and much more.”
Too many young people are held back by the biases and prejudices of others when it comes to their education, training and careers. Their choices are influenced and undermined by preconceived ideas about gender, ethnicity and other aspects of their identity. Governors for Schools is passionate about supporting schools not just to educate young people but to help them become compassionate and well-rounded citizens.
The conference will offer insights from a range of experts, covering pressing topics such as good governance in 2023, whole-school approaches to inclusion, STEM education, effective challenge as a governor, and much more. The conference opens up a broad range of themes discussed by a diverse range of people and welcomes anyone interested in the way schools are run and the way boards of governors work to attend.
At a time when school budgets are particularly squeezed, we hope this free CPD event will deliver invaluable support not just to the governance community but beyond as well. The sponsorship displays a great show of unity within the sector and will help bring the event to life.
Find out more and sign up for sessions at the Governors for Schools website.
The Governors for Schools digital conference takes place during National Inclusion Week from 26-27 September 2023 and is free and open to all.
Beth Bramley is the IOP’s Strategic Lead for Inclusion (Learning & Skills)