Views and comment from IOP staff, physicists and policy shapers.

Celebrating the value of physics teaching
4 February 2025
At ASE’s recent conference, the IOP was among those highlighting efforts within the physics education community to bolster the sector as it faces increasing challenges. We needed the event and the connections it fosters more than ever, writes Hari Rentala.

General election 2024: what the manifestos mean for physics
19 June 2024
Manifestos by the Liberal Democrats, the Conservatives and Labour have landed – the IOP’s Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Elizabeth Chamberlain, summarises the key commitments relevant to physics and to the IOP’s asks for an incoming government.

How the Advanced British Standard could improve the future for physics
15 April 2024
The proposed education reforms are an interesting start but they need to be more ambitious, holistic and coherent to ensure meaningful change, write Hari Rentala and Alex Heatley.

Announcing our priority ‘impact project’ focus areas for 2024
15 March 2024
Anne Crean, Head of Science and Innovation, shares details of three ‘impact projects’ on physics topics where the IOP will take action throughout 2024.

Why funding the UK-Africa Physics Partnership programme will help us tackle climate change
11 March 2024
Funding for science in African universities remains limited, but this new investment can unlock a huge talent pool to address global challenges, writes Dominic Hurley, Head of International Relations.

UK general election: the IOP is calling for a Britain powered by physics
23 February 2024
Head of Policy and Public Affairs Elizabeth Chamberlain outlines the priorities for an incoming government.

Local partnerships key to unlocking potential of physics apprenticeships
9 February 2024
The IOP’s latest Solving Skills report shows that employers’ efforts to bolster physics-related apprenticeships are working – but this must just be a start to help kickstart the economy and give hope to a generation of youngsters in STEM, writes Hari Rentala.

Autumn statement 2023: reforms to R&D tax credits missing chance to boost UK science and tech
20 November 2023
In this week’s autumn statement, the government has a chance to provide much-needed clarity around R&D tax credits and thus drive physics innovation, writes John Bagshaw, the IOP’s Vice-President for Business.

Science at the Labour party conference 2023, Liverpool
27 October 2023
In the final IOP blog from the conferences, Public Affairs Advisor Oliver Williams finds a party making plans for power – science, energy and technology were very much in the discussion.

Proposals for an Advanced British Standard – what can we learn?
18 October 2023
Charles Tracy, IOP Senior Adviser, Learning and Skills, reflects on proposals for major reform of 16-19 qualifications.

The view from the Conservative party conference, Manchester
18 October 2023
Public Affairs Manager John Punter reports from a Tory conference struggling to see past next year’s general election.

Quantum ‘impact project’ delivering real benefits
5 October 2023
From giving evidence to a government inquiry to inspiring the next generation of scientists and entrepreneurs, the IOP’s quantum ‘impact project’ has generated significant impact, including a new IOP group, reports Director of Science, Innovation and Skills Louis Barson.

Live from Conference blog: Lib Dem Autumn Conference, Bournemouth
29 September 2023
Education and Industrial Strategy held a prominent place at the Liberal Democrats’ autumn conference in Bournemouth this week, and I was there to find out more on behalf of the IOP, writes Eluned Parrot, Head of Wales.

How the IOP’s qBIG Prize is helping quantum businesses achieve their vision
22 August 2023
The IOP sat down with Andrei Dragomir, Founder and CEO of Aquark Technologies, to discuss what involvement in the quantum Business Innovation and Growth (qBIG) Prize has meant for his innovative company.

IOP impact: how we’ve delivered for members, for physics and for society
14 July 2023
Rachel Youngman, IOP Deputy Chief Executive, reflects on the IOP's impact over the last four years.

IOP-sponsored conference to spread the word about whole-school equity
12 July 2023
Limit Less campaign has teamed up with Governors for Schools to promote inclusion and dismantle the barriers preventing many young students following their chosen paths.

Quantum technology coming of age as commercial applications emerge
5 June 2023
Wenmiao Yu, a committee member of the quantum Business and Innovation (qBIG) Group, witnesses quantum gravitating from the lab to the marketplace – as well as the award of the first IOP qBIG Prize – at Commercialising Quantum Global 2023.

Physics community crucial to writing next chapter on semiconductors
19 May 2023
The UK government’s semiconductor strategy is a good start but the key will be preparing for what comes next by investing in physics skills and developing a competitive edge on next-gen capability, writes Louis Barson.

IOP quantum Business Innovation and Growth group hits ground running
14 April 2023
The government’s new quantum strategy is a sure sign that the qBIG group’s work is valued and it has an exciting future, writes founding committee member Ian Reid.

One day in and ‘boffin’ is already on borrowed time
30 March 2023
The IOP’s science media reporting campaign is already toasting its first success.
Yes, we get the joke, but ‘boffin’ still needs to go
29 March 2023
Keen tabloid watchers will have spotted the excitable reaction from the Daily Star to our campaign on the media reporting of science this week, writes Rachel Youngman.

IOP Chief Exec: ‘Scotland’s physics community is pulling together’
14 March 2023
Tom Grinyer visits Scotland and finds IOP staff and members, MSPs and other physicists in buoyant mood.

Welsh Government’s draft budget: hard times make for hard reading
19 January 2023
There are a few rays of sunshine in the driving rain of a dire economic situation. Will any light fall on physics?

Autumn statement 2022 – what it means for physics
5 December 2022
An in-depth look at how the government’s economic agenda will shape our sector.

Autumn statement: UK must commit to science R&D
16 November 2022
Short-termist spending cuts would impede scientists’ progress and hobble the forward-thinking technologies set to drive growth, say the Institute of Physics, the Royal Society of Biology and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Let’s use African physics in action on climate
11 November 2022
Dominic Hurley’s visits to sub-Saharan Africa have made clear that the UK must invest in physics-based talent there to tackle pressing global challenges.

What do this year’s A-level results tell us about the state of physics?
25 August 2022
More must be done to make the subject attractive to girls and to make better use of physics to bolster the economy – but there are reasons for optimism.

The Queen’s Speech: will it be good for physics?
20 May 2022
The IOP will keep a watchful eye on and aim to influence the government’s plans set to shape our sector.

Why British Science Week should last all year
18 March 2022
Investing in and nurturing the next generation of scientists and technicians will further strengthen the UK’s ability to tackle the 21st century’s economic and social challenges, helping us build a prosperous future.

Why there is no ‘levelling up’ without physics
8 February 2022
The government must harness the broad palette of physics skills if it wants to redress economic and social imbalances across the UK’s nations and regions, writes Tony McBride.

The contribution of physics to the UK economy
28 January 2022
Physics is a leading force behind innovation and R&D. But the UK government must enhance support for our industries now to address skills shortages, boost the economy and drive the green revolution, writes Rachel Youngman.

To not invest in the development of physics skills now would be to jeopardise economic recovery and growth
12 January 2022
IOP Deputy Chief Executive Rachel Youngman says our new report shows that the UK and Ireland are already falling short in harnessing the power of physics skills.

The impact of the APPG on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in STEM’s recommendations
20 July 2021
In early 2021 the APPG for Diversity and Inclusion in STEM launched an inquiry into equity in the STEM workforce. Sarah Bakewell, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, talks about where the key recommendations of the STEM workforce inquiry could have most impact.

Towards a new story for physics
21 October 2020
As our Limit Less campaign launches, Ray Mitchell, Head of Campaign Strategy, explains how the experiences of people in the physics community have shaped the campaign – and why understanding these perspectives and lived experiences is so vital to its success.
Maintaining your Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
25 June 2020
For many of us, this is a period of uncertainty as we move towards what is becoming known as the new normal. We are doing everything we can to support our members through this period and with their CPD. Dr Mark Telling, IOP’s vice-president of membership, shares his experiences and outlines the wealth of online learning resources available to our membership community.

International relations blog
29 May 2020
The challenges presented by the current crisis do not stop at our borders but are being felt across the globe. Dominic Hurley, Head of International Relations, talks about how the IOP have continued to support projects and engage with our counterparts around the world.

Unlocking the future for UK and Africa research partnerships
17 January 2020
On the eve of the UK-Africa Investment Summit, IOP Deputy Chief Executive Rachel Youngman argues that increased physics research collaboration with African countries is key to tackling global challenges.

Working together to improve the workplace for LGBT+ scientists
26 June 2019
Jennifer Dyer, Head of Diversity at IOP, shares her thoughts on the culture for LGBT+ workers in physics and how we can work together to improve LGBT+ retention.

IOP’s Accelerator Centre open for business
24 April 2019
IOP Head of Science and Innovation, Anne Crean, on the contribution physics makes to the UK economy and our workspace supporting entrepreneurs to bring physics-based innovation to market.

IOP supporting international collaboration
12 March 2019
Rachel Youngman, IOP’s Chief Operating Officer, explains why international collaboration and free movement are essential and how we bring scientists together across borders to develop skills, technologies and opportunities.

International Women’s Day words of wisdom for girls and women thinking of a physics career
11 March 2019
Whether you’re still at school thinking you’d like to be a physicist or returning to work after some time away, our followers on Twitter have some advice you may like to put in a folder marked ‘inspiration’ and dip into on days you could use some words of wisdom.