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Sam Edwards Medal and Prize recipients

For distinguished contributions in soft matter physics.


Professor Ulrich Keyser
University of Cambridge

For pioneering the study of transport of structured nucleic-acid molecules through nanopores and the quantification of out-of-equilibrium polymer dynamics at the single-molecule level.

Find out more about Professor Ulrich Keyser


Professor Daniel Frenkel
University of Cambridge

For seminal contributions to the understanding of the kinetics, self-assembly and phase behaviour of soft matter systems, and for developing highly innovative and influential simulation methods.


Professor Julia M Yeomans
University of Oxford

For developing mathematical models and numerical algorithms to increase our understanding of soft and active matter, statistical physics and biophysics.


Dame Julia Higgins
Imperial College London

For her pioneering work in neutron scattering applied to the understanding of polymer structure and dynamics.


Professor Wilson Poon
University of Edinburgh
For his outstanding contributions to the fundamental study of condensed matter physics, statistical physics and biophysics using model colloidal systems.


Professor Tom McLeish
Durham University
For his sustained and outstanding contributions to the fields of molecular rheology, macromolecular biophysics and self-assembly