David Tabor Medal and Prize recipients
For distinguished contributions to surface or nanoscale physics.
Professor Lev Kantorovich
Department of Physics, King's College London
For new theories of molecular diffusion and kinetics of two-dimensional assembly of molecules on surfaces, and origins of atomistic resolution in atomic force microscopy imaging, energy dissipation and molecular manipulation.
Find out more about Professor Lev Kantorovich
Professor Jonathan N Coleman
Trinity College Dublin
For groundbreaking research into developing the liquid phase exfoliation process, a scalable method for converting layered materials into two-dimensional nanosheets in large quantities.
Professor Leigh Canham
University of Birmingham
For founding the field of nanostructured silicon, discovering and correctly attributing its efficient luminescence to quantum confinement effects, and for uncovering the remarkable biological properties of nanostructured silicon and demonstrating their applications.
Professor Alexander Shluger
University College London
For the development of new theoretical models of defects at the surfaces and interfaces of insulators and mechanisms of imaging and manipulation of surface atoms and molecules using atomic force microscopy.
Professor Irina Grigorieva
University of Manchester
For her distinguished and distinctive contributions to research on physics of two-dimensional materials and nanotechnology, including magnetism, superconductivity and electron transport in graphene, related 2D crystals and their heterostructures.
Professor Adrian Sutton
Imperial College London
For his definitive contributions to the nanophysics of interfaces in crystalline materials, atomic and electronic structures of surfaces, dislocations and kinks, current-induced mechanical instabilities in nanowires, and dislocation elastodynamics during shock loading.
Professor Geoffrey Thornton
University College London
For his contributions to understanding the physics and chemistry of oxide surfaces, using both scanned-probe and reciprocal-space techniques.
Professor Peter Beton
University of Nottingham
For pioneering work on molecular organisation and manipulation on surfaces, particularly in relation to molecular rolling, the formation of nanoporous templates and entropically stabilised molecular tilings.
Professor Andrew Turberfield
University of Oxford
For his seminal contributions to nano-science, in particular, for pioneering the technique of holographic lithography and DNA self-assembly.
Professor Richard Jones
University of Sheffield
For his innovative work characterising polymer surfaces and thin films; and for his more recent work in nanoscience, developing novel polymeric nanostructures and being involved with societal aspects of the field.
Professor David Ritchie
The University of Cambridge
For his highly accomplished experimental work in developing and fabricating novel semiconductor quantum devices with a wide range of applications. His work has re-defined the frontiers of semiconductor physics.