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Phillips Award

The Phillips Award recognises members who have played a significant role for the IOP.

The Phillips Award recognises members who have championed innovative ideas or contributed to activities that support the delivery of the IOP Strategy and its focus on Science-Skills-Society.

Nominees may have made contributions to, for example, our nations, branches and groups.

Examples of service include:

  • starting a new activity which becomes a sustainable contribution to the IOP’s strategy and charitable purpose
  • establishing a new activity which grows and supports membership and community engagement
  • running a series of major conferences that become an established part of the physics events calendar
  • embedding activities that make a tangible difference to the way young people and the public connect with physics in a meaningful and lasting way

Making a nomination

Nominations for 2025 opened on 3 February and the deadline for submissions is 13 April 2025. Make your nomination or self-nomination now. Once you have logged in, please select the following at the bottom of the page:

Start Nomination > Category > Phillips Award

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions about the awards or your submission.

We recognise that our members contribute to the IOP in many different ways and we do not have a set of criteria for making a nomination. Nominators will be asked to provide both a short and long citation as part of their nomination. The Phillips Award is open for nomination and self-nomination. Referees and supporting statements are not required.

About Major CES Phillips

Major CES Phillips was one of the founders of the IOP and was Honorary Treasurer from 1929 to 1945. He was a pioneer in medical physics and also served as President of the British Institute of Radiology from 1930-1931, and as Honorary Secretary of the Royal Institution.




  • Dr Hugh Deighton
  • Dr Francesca M Doddato
  • Dr June McCombie


  • Lynne Long


  • Heather M Beaumont
  • Dr Claire Davies
  • Professor Angela Newing
  • Professor Michael E Ries


  • Gail Elizabeth Millar
  • Vincent Smith


  • Dr Dimitra Darambara
  • Professor Jamie Hobbs
  • Dr John Williams


  • Stuart Palmer
  • Nicola Wilkin


  • Dr Heather Williams


  • Professor Brian Fulton
  • Dr Mark Telling


  • Professor James Hough OBE
  • Professor Julian Jones OBE


  • Bob Boutland


  • Ann Marks MBE and Neil Marks (joint award)
  • John Colligon


  • Lisa Jardine-Wright
  • Colin Latimer

Learn about our other awards