Giuseppe Occhialini Medal and Prize recipients
Recipients of the Giuseppe Occhialini Medal and Prize from the Institute of Physics and the Italian Physical Society.
The Giuseppe Occhialini Medal and Prize 2025 will be opening nominations on 17 February 2025.
Dr Giovanni Carugno
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
For his contributions to fundamental physics, conceiving and developing frontier experiments with novel ideas based on basic properties of matter.
Professor Paolo G Radaelli
Clarendon Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Oxford
For his seminal contributions to understanding functional and magnetic oxides, particularly through the use and development of techniques using neutron and synchrotron facilities and the promotion of UK-Italian bilateral activities.
Professor Mario Nicodemi
University of Naples Federico II
For his innovative, fundamental contributions at the frontier between physics, biology and genetics to understand the mechanisms of chromosome folding and their role in gene regulation in health and disease.
Professor Marialuisa Aliotta
University of Edinburgh
For her major contributions to nuclear astrophysics experiments, in particular to the study of key hydrogen-burning reactions relevant to quiescent stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis, in the framework of the international LUNA experiments at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, INFN.
Professor Marica Branchesi
Gran Sasso Science Institute
For her vision and foresight in bridging the divide between observational astronomy and experimental gravitational wave physics in the years that anticipated the majestic discovery of GW170817, when a flash of multicolour light was emitted concurrently with the long-searched gravitational wave signal.
Professor John D Barrow
DAMTP, University of Cambridge
For contributions to cosmology, gravitation and the use of astronomy to extend our understanding of the constants of Nature and constrain their possible variation in time.
Professor Elena Pian
INAF-Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio, Bologna
For her work of first detection, with the ESO Very Large Telescope equipped with the X-shooter spectrograph, of r-process nucleosynthesis in the optical/infrared counterpart of a gravitational radiation signal due to a binary neutron star merger.
Professor Michele Vendruscolo
University of Cambridge
For having brought physics and biology together in innovative ways to make highly influential contributions to the understanding of the fundamental principles of protein aggregation, solubility and homeostasis.
Professor Carla Andreani
Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
For her outstanding contributions to novel experimental techniques and methods in neutron spectroscopy and her tireless commitment to fostering the British-Italian collaboration in neutron science.
Professor James Jeffrey Binney
University of Oxford
For his work on galaxy dynamics, in particular for developing an understanding of how galaxies exchange gas with the intergalactic medium and how this exchange controls the evolution of galaxy morphology.
Professor Alessandro Tredicucci
University of Pisa
For his innovative contributions to the realisation of terahertz heterostructure devices.
Professor Silvia Pascoli
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Department of Physics, Durham University
For her major contributions to the study of, and leadership in, the field of neutrino phenomenology.
Professor Eugenio Coccia
University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
For his major contribution to the realisation of the first long-term observatories with cryogenic and ultracryogenic detectors of ravitational waves and for his international role in the gravitational-wave community and in the broader community of astroparticle physics.
Professor Gian-Luca Oppo
University of Strathclyde
For novel insights into spatio-temporal dynamics of lasers, nonlinear and quantum optical systems, achieved through the development and application of powerful techniques for small-scale computing.
Professor Ignazio Ciufolini
Università del Salento
For providing further experimental confirmation of Einstein’s theory of General Relativity through the use of laser-ranged satellites to study and measure frame-dragging.
Professor Gaetana Laricchia
University College London
For distinguished work on experimental positron physics, in particular for developing and using the world's only positronium beam.
Professor Francesco Vissani
Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory
For his outstanding contributions to neutrino physics and, in particular, to the phenomenology and theory of neutrino mass and mixing.