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Awards committees and panels

Members of the IOP Awards committees and panels.

Awards Committee (Medals and Prizes)

The Awards Committee (Medals and Prizes) selects recipients for the IOP's medals and prizes, including the Isaac Newton Medal and Prize, International Bilateral Awards, Gold Medals, Silver Subject Medals and Bronze Early Career Medals.

Chair and Vice-president for Science and InnovationProfessor Tara Shears, FInstPUniversity of Liverpool
President-electProfessor Michele Dougherty CBE FRS FInstP Imperial College London
Vice-president for BusinessProfessor Robert Lamb, FInstPLeonardo
Vice-president for Learning and SkillsDr Judith Hillier, FInstPUniversity of Oxford
MemberProfessor Adam Amara  University of Surrey
MemberProfessor Paul Beasley, CPhys MInstP  Siemens
MemberDr Katherine Clough, MInstP  University of Oxford
MemberProfessor Carla Figueira De Morisson Faria, FInstPUniversity College London
MemberProfessor Penny Gowland, CPhys FInstPUniversity of Nottingham
MemberProfessor David Hawkes, FREng CPhys MInstPGuy’s Hospital, UCL
MemberProfessor Manus Hayne, CPhys MInstPLancaster University
MemberDr Marina Leontiadou, MInstPUniversity of Salford
MemberProfessor Mihalis Mathioudakis, FInstPQueen’s University Belfast
MemberProfessor Cathryn Mitchell, FInstPUniversity of Bath
MemberProfessor Kelly Morrison, MInstPLoughborough University
MemberProfessor Wilson Poon, CPhys FinstPUniversity of Edinburgh
MemberDr Alasdair Price, MInstPSiloton
MemberDr David Sharp, MInstPUniversity of Manchester
MemberProfessor Peter Smowton, CPhys MInstPCardiff University
MemberProfessor Emma Sokell, CPhys MInstPUniversity College Dublin
MemberProfessor Alison Walker, CPhys MInstP  University of Bath
MemberProfessor Nikolay Zheludev, CEng FInstP   University of Southampton

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Honorary Fellows Committee

The Honorary Fellows Committee selects recipients for honorary fellowship of the IOP.

Chair and PresidentProfessor Sheila Rowan, MBE Hon.FInstPUniversity of Glasgow
President-electSir Keith Burnett, CBE FRS CPhys FInstP University of Oxford/Imperial College London
Honorary SecretaryProfessor Alison McMillan, CPhys FInstP Wrexham Glyndwr University
Honorary TreasurerProfessor David Delpy, CPhys FInstPIndependent
Vice-president for BusinessDr John Bagshaw, CPhys FInstPIndependent
Vice-president for Education and SkillsDr Lisa Jardine-Wright, CPhys FInstPUniversity of Cambridge
Vice-president for Science and InnovationProfessor Martin Freer, FInstPUniversity of Birmingham
Vice-president for MembershipDr Elizabeth Cunningham, MInstPScience and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC)
Honorary FellowMrs Rachael Buckley, Hon.FInstPAccelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC)
Honorary FellowProfessor Sir Roy Sambles, CPhys Hon.FInstPUniversity of Exeter
Honorary FellowDame Frances Saunders, CPhys Hon.FInstPIndependent

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Business Awards Panel

The Business Awards Panel selects recipients for the Business Innovation Award, Business Start-up Award and the Lee Lucas Award. 

Chair and Vice-President for BusinessProfessor Robert Lamb, FInstPLeonardo
MemberDr Christopher Dorman, OBE FInstPIndependent
MemberProfessor Christopher Hancock, CPhys FInstPIndependent
MemberDr Bryan Keating, CBECIP Partnership
MemberDr James McKenzie, CEng CPhys FInstPCrossfield Fusion Ltd
MemberDr Wyn MeredithCompound Semiconductor Centre
MemberMr Nicholas Misselbrook, CEng CPhys MInstPQinetiQ Malvern
MemberDr Chris O'Leary, CPhys FInstPRolls Royce, Submarines
MemberProfessor Honor Powrie, CPhys FInstPStewart Hughes Ltd
MemberMr Murray ReedIndependent
MemberDr Jo Slota-NewsonIQ Capital 
MemberDr Maria-Giulia Thompson, CPhys MInstPElekta

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Technical Skills Awards Panel

The Technical Skills Awards Panel selects recipients for the Technician Award, Apprentice Award and Apprentice Employer Award.

Chair and Vice-President for Education and Skills Dr Lisa Jardine-Wright, CPhys FInstPUniversity of Cambridge
MemberMiss Saskia Burke, MInstPNational Physical Laboratory
MemberDr Joanna Hart, MInstPSpace Partnership
MemberMrs Natalie KennerleyManchester Metropolitan University
MemberDr Siobhan Liddle, MInstPHarlaw Academy, Aberdeen
MemberEur Ing Dr Carol Marsh, OBE MInstPLeonardo
MemberMs Grainne McAdamCaister Academy
MemberMr Jamie Mewburn-Crook, MInstPNational Physical Laboratory
MemberMr David Swinscoe, CPhys FInstPAjabra
MemberDr Matthew Veale, CPhys MInstPThe Science and Technologies Facilities Council

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Teachers of Physics Awards Panels

The Teachers of Physics Awards Panel selects recipients for the Teachers of Physics Awards. The chair is Dr Lisa Jardine-Wright (IOP Vice-President for Education and Skills) of the University of Cambridge. 

CountryName of MemberAffiliation
EnglandMrs Jackie FlahertyThe Ogden Trust
 Mrs Estralita McCallBrentwood Ursuline Convent High School, Brentwood
 Mrs Amelia RossSt Bernadette Catholic Secondary School
IrelandMr Martin CunniffeSt Patrick’s Classical School, Navan
 Ms Khushali Kanjee-MillsOur Lady’s Grammar School, Newry
 Mr Tom TierneySt Vincent's Castleknock College, Dublin
ScotlandMrs Nancy HunterAnderson High School, Lerwick
 Mr Christopher RossiSt Joseph’s College, Dumfries
 Dr Bruce SinclairUniversity of St Andrews
WalesMr Edward L MaleYsgol Harri Tudur, Pembroke
 Mr Daryl PhillipsAberystwyth University
 Mr Robert WoodmanYsgol Bro Gwaun, Fishguard

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