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2023 IOP Business Awards winners

We are delighted to introduce the winners of the 2023 IOP Business Awards.

Download the 2023 IOP Business Award winners brochure (PDF, 2.4MB)

Business Innovation Award winners

Coherent Scotland

Coherent Scotland receives a Business Innovation Award for the development of a range of cost-effective, turnkey, ultrafast lasers for life sciences, nanomanufacture and inspection applications.

Read the full citation for Coherent Scotland

Focal Point Positioning

Focal Point Positioning receives a Business Innovation Award for pioneering and commercialising the methods and techniques needed to enable synthetic aperture processing on low-cost consumer devices such as smartphones and smartwatches.

Read the full citation for Focal Point Positioning

Keit Industrial Analytics

Keit Industrial Analytics receives a Business Innovation Award for the development and application of a novel Fourier transform spectroscopy and its application in revolutionising the monitoring and control of production processes.

Read the full citation for Keit Industrial Analytics

Business Start-Up Award winners


Dyneval receives a Business Start-Up Award for developing an innovative analyser for precise measurement of semen quality pen-side to improve the efficiency of livestock production while reducing methane emissions.

Read the full citation for Dyneval


Nebu~Flow receives a Business Start-Up Award for exceptional efforts in commercialisation of scientific research into a product, transforming respiratory drug delivery.

Read the full citation for Nebu~Flow


Occuity receives a Business Start-Up Award for the development of groundbreaking medical diagnostic instruments that enable fast, pain-free and non-contact screening and monitoring of ophthalmic and chronic diseases using the eye as a window to health.

Read the full citation for Occuity


Siloton receives a Business Start-Up Award for the development of a personal optical coherence tomography system, capable of reducing sight loss caused by age-related macular degeneration.

Read the full citation for Siloton


turboTEM receives a Business Start-Up Award for the development of a range of cost-effective modular and retrofittable upgrades to expand the performance, flexibility or usable service life of electron microscopes.

Read the full citation for turboTEM

Lee Lucas Award winner


ArtioSense receives the Lee Lucas Award for the development of novel, microfluidics-based force sensing technology as an intraoperative surgical aid to facilitate precision orthopaedic surgery.

Read the full citation for ArtioSense