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2022 IOP Business Awards winners

We are delighted to introduce the winners of the 2022 IOP Business Awards.

Download the 2022 IOP Business Awards winners brochure (PDF, 905KB)

Business Innovation Award winners

Cerca Magnetics

Cerca Magnetics receives a Business Innovation Award for bringing to market the world’s first wearable magnetoencephalography scanner. The device measures human brain function in health and disease, providing unprecedented accuracy and unparalleled practicality.

Read the full citation for Cerca Magnetics

Innovative Physics

Innovative Physics receives a Business Innovation Award for the development of neutron detector technology designed and deployed for decommissioning inside the stricken Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Primary Containment Vessels.

Read the full citation for Innovative Physics


Zilico receives a Business Innovation Award for using bioelectrical technology for the development of more accurate medical device diagnostics, which provide results in real time leading to better patient outcomes.

Read the full citation for Zilico

Business Start-Up Award winners

Ceryx Medical 

Ceryx Medical receives a Business Start-Up Award for developing a unique bioelectronic technology that could change the way diseases such as heart failure are treated by reinstating natural communication between the heart and lungs.

Read the full citation for Ceryx Medical


Digistain receives a Business Start-Up Award for solving treatment delays in breast cancer by using a biomedical implementation of infrared vibrational spectroscopy.

Read the full citation for Digistain


Porotech receives a Business Start-Up Award for the development of porous semiconductors enabling the world’s first commercial native indium-gallium-nitride red light-emitting diode (LED) epiwafer – simplifying full-colour micro-LED display manufacture and advancing this next-generation technology towards widespread adoption.

Read the full citation for Porotech

Universal Quantum

Universal Quantum receives a Business Start-Up Award for its work developing the world’s first million-qubit quantum computer. Universal Quantum’s electronic modules are based on silicon technology, connected using ultrafast electric field links to form an architecture that truly scales.

Read the full citation for Universal Quantum