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Science and Technology Facilities Council - large employer (250 to 4,999 employees)

The STFC has been recognised for providing a wide range of apprenticeships across the country, giving young people and adults the opportunity to expand their knowledge and confidence whilst being trained in exceptional facilities.

Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) apprentices are taught by experts in the field and work as part of a world-class research programme.

A key feature of the apprenticeship scheme for the engineering and digital and technology professionals courses, amongst others, is the rotations around different departments on site throughout training.

These rotations allow the learning of a wide range of skills and technologies, giving a well-rounded education by apprenticeship completion.

They also promote a collaborative work environment allowing apprentices to work in new teams, and bring different teams together through skills learnt in rotations.

There are also opportunities to work abroad, with apprentices travelling to institutes such as CERN, ILL (Neutrons for Society) and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility on a yearly basis.

The friendly working environment on site promotes an extremely supportive organisation, not only between the apprentice and their line manager, but between the apprentice and all the staff they work with.

Everyone is always happy to answer questions and help with any problems even though they all have busy schedules.

STFC also provides the apprentices with outward bounds team-building trips where they work on their team work and core skills with other apprentices from around the country for a week.

All of these opportunities open so many doors for the apprentices at STFC, allowing them to build relationships with many other employees and propelling them into their careers within physics.