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2024 Teachers of Physics Awards: Jonathan Williams

Ysgol Maes Y Gwendraeth

For exceptional classroom practice and development of pupils, outstanding support and development of colleagues, trainee teachers and staff in local schools, outstanding work with pupils through extracurricular activities, and provision of materials at a national level.

Jonathan Williams has shared his passion for physics with countless students over his years in the classroom and is credited by his colleagues for the high number of students excelling in their study of both physics and electronics at A-level and beyond. He is keen to explore new approaches and to adapt these to his students’ needs, fostering a challenging yet inclusive environment. As part of this, he supports a range of extracurricular activities, for his own students and in some cases ensuring provision across Wales; this has included participation in the LEGO League, engineering schemes, Gold Crest Award and environmental projects in conjunction with the National Botanic Gardens of Wales.

Teachers in the local area and nationally have been provided with Welsh-medium teaching materials, in many cases underpinned by sustained mentoring from Williams. Early-career colleagues have built up their confidence and expertise by his steady encouragement and willingness to be open with his own teaching, leading by example, and showing how his experience working in exams and curriculum development relates to his passion: daily teaching.