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2024 IOP Apprentice Employer Award

National Grid for creating a diverse and supportive apprenticeship scheme that enables apprentices to develop technical knowledge, interpersonal skills and collaborate on projects aiming to achieve net zero. 


Group of apprentices, dressed in black uniforms, holding hard hats and tools.

National Grid’s apprenticeship programmes are an integral component of the organisation’s talent pipelines and are a key element of strategic workforce planning processes. National Grid has been a key member of trailblazer groups to ensure they meet the future needs of business commitments towards net zero. 

The apprenticeship programmes include robust inductions, foundation training and relevant academic qualifications. Training then moves into more specialist elements, conducted in world-class training facilities. Training is supported by structured, on-job programmes, where apprentices can further develop the skills they require. Apprentices are all assigned a buddy, mentor, manager and a wealth of other support while on programme.

Safeguarding, health and wellbeing are key to ensuring apprentices receive the support they require, with dedicated teams providing training, support and guidance at every stage. Apprentices receive stress risk assessments where they have the opportunity to discuss a range of support measures, should it be required.

Apprentice progress is tracked within the organisation to assess the value and demonstrate return on investment. Three years after completion of the programme, National Grid retains 99% of apprentices, five years post-programme, National Grid retains almost 96%, and almost 85% are retained after 10 years.