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Physics Inclusion Award: testimonials

Physicists explain why Project Juno has had such a positive impact and how the Physics Inclusion Award will expand this impact even further.

Watch the video below to hear from Wendy Sadler, Cardiff University, on Project Juno and being led by the physics community: “This was by physicists, for physicists.” 

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Watch the video below to hear from Niranjan Thatte, University of Oxford, on the impact of Project Juno: “It was about everybody feeling respected and everybody feeling like they belonged.”

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Watch the video below to hear from Sarah Kate Sweeney, University College Cork, on the parallels with UCC’s Equal Physics Opportunities Network in Academia (EPONA) aims and the value they found in Project Juno: “Juno gave us real, tangible things that could make a difference in our department right now.” 

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Watch the video below to hear from Ciprian Pruteanu, University of Edinburgh, on how Project Juno brought gender equality to "the forefront of physics."

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Watch the video below to hear from Wendy Sadler, Cardiff University, on why greater inclusion means better physics: “The big solutions and the problems we have in the world today are only going to be fixed if we’ve got really diverse teams.” 

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Watch the video below to hear from Sarah Bakewell, Institute of Physics, on how the Physics Inclusion Award supports the next generation: “Students and young people want everyone to feel included.”

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