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Physics Inclusion Award: pilot scheme

The Physics Inclusion Award pilot scheme ran from September 2023 to January 2024 with 11 physics departments that varied in size, geographical location and research intensity. A list of the departments can be found in the section below.  

The pilot participants were split into three cohorts and each participant was assigned one theme to complete, based on their preference. The participants worked through the Physics Inclusion Award self-assessment tool, reviewed the effectiveness of the criteria, and tested their assigned theme on the online platform. Participants attended regular check-ins throughout the pilot and facilitated feedback sessions in January 2024.

Pilot scheme feedback

The pilot participants tested the criteria within the self-assessment and the online platform. They provided their feedback through the regular check-ins, written feedback and the feedback sessions.  

Changes were then made to the criteria and updates were made on the online platform based on the feedback from the pilot participants.   

Comments from participants

  • “We really liked the self-assessment tool, it has lots of useful information, and provides clear context for what is expected for the questions in the online platform.”
  • “I enjoyed and learned a lot from the self-assessment. We could define our ambition of how to progress into other levels.”
  • “The online platform website worked well, and we had no problems seeing or entering data and text.” 

Pilot scheme departments

  • Aberystwyth University
  • Cardiff University
  • Loughborough University
  • Newcastle University
  • UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory
  • University College Dublin
  • University College London
  • University of Cork
  • University of Hertfordshire  
  • University of Oxford  
  • University of Southampton

If you’d like more information about applying for the Physics Inclusion Award, please sign up to our contact list or get in touch by emailing [email protected]